K. JUNO's "JUNO Vol.1 plus FATE"
at our official music store

JUNO Vol.1 plus FATE / K. JUNO
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This cd has a 20% discount if you buy more than one (not including other albums).
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fate (i need you more than i can say)
helpless question about life
love me (can't stop loving you)
pop and catchy 80s rock
fighter in the screen
price for being a HERO
do you know
sweet love ballad
horse of fire
you think you can tame it
the skies are falling down
classic rock not meant for dancing
pale rose
stalking kind of love song
the rising sun
70s hard rock taste
the song of the dawn
makes you wanna go home
fate (instrumental)
karaoke version
JUNO Vol.1 plus FATE
- K. JUNO -
listen all songs

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